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Scholarship Application Electronic Submission Instructions

Application Electronic Submission Instructions

  1. All applications should be submitted electronically to Prospective candidates should send a notification of intent to apply early in each cycle by filling out the Intent to Apply Form. This will ensure that the Regional chairperson has an up-to-date contact email for notification during the process.
  2. All forms and images should be submitted as Portable Document Format (PDF). Fillable forms are provided for general information and recommendations, and can be completed and saved from most PDF viewers and/or web browsers. Most modern word processing applications allow documents to be saved or exported in PDF. Images can be included in a document or can be scanned as PDF using a desktop scanner or phone application (e.g., Office Lens, Adobe Scan, etc.)
  3. Examples
    General Requirements -- Lastname_Firstname_General_Requirements.pdf
    Essay -- Lastname_Firstname_Essay.pdf
    Educational Goals -- Lastname_Firstname_Educational_Goals.pdf
    Transcripts -- Lastname_Firstname_Transcripts.pdf
    Instructor Recommendation -- Lastname_Firstname_Instructor_Recommendation.pdf
    Enrollment Verification -- Lastname_Firstname_Enrollment_Verification.pdf
    Application Checklist -- Lastname_Firstname_Checklist.pdf
    Note: The above represents examples of file names and is not a complete list of all required documentation.

  4. Recommendations may be submitted directly to the email above, or a copy may be provided to the applicant for submission along with the rest of the application. If documents are emailed directly from the recommender, the candidate will be notified when received.
  5. For convenience and size restrictions, files should be combined into a compressed file archive (e.g., zip file) and submitted as a single attachment. In some cases, multiple emails may be required due to size limitations. When multiple emails are used, this should be indicated in the subject and body of the email.
  6. It is the responsibility of the applicant to meet all submission requirements. Incomplete applications may be ineligible for consideration.
  7. Questions regarding these instructions, or the status of an application may be submitted to the email address above at any time during the process.

The information/content within the pages of the World Tang Soo Do Association web site is the sole property of the World Tang Soo Do Association. The images and information contained herein may not be reproduced without the express written permission of the World Tang Soo Do Association.

The World Tang Soo Do Association is not responsible for the content of any information contained in a website which is linked to our home site.

The World Tang Soo Do Association
2436 Hanford Road
Burlington, NC 27215
Phone: (336)-223-0056 or (215)-468-2121
fax: 215-336-2121

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