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Region 22 Has a New Master

Region 22 gained a new Master when Dr. Susan Strohm, studio head at A Mountain Wind Martial Arts, was promoted from Sah Dan Instructor to Sah Dan Master at the WTSDA Region 8 Fall Classic Championship, on October 16-17 at the Split Rock Resort in the Poconos. Along with Dr. Strohm, six other Sah Dan Instructors from Region 8 received Master rank. The promotions were part of the Region 8 Championship’s opening ceremonies, when all seven of the new Masters performed in a brief demonstration that included self-defense, Ki Gong and a bong form.

Master Strohm started training in Tang Soo Do in 1992, with the Penn State Martial Arts Group under Master Michael Kaye with guidance from Master Michael White, Appalachia Tang Soo Do. In 1998, a part of the Penn State Martial Arts Group became A Mountain Wind Martial Arts, and Master Strohm began training under the new studio head, Master Scott Merrill. With the passing of Master Michael White, Master Merrill took over Appalachia Tang Soo Do and turned A Mountain Wind Martial Arts over to Master Strohm.

Over the years, Master Strohm has produced the WTSDA World Championship Videos for 1994-1996 and from 2000-2012, as well as the WTSDA Hyung, OneStep and Ki Gong videos. In 2002, she authored the WTSDA Journal Volume Two: Study Guide Questions. In 2015, she was honored with the Region 22 Instructor of the Year Award. In 2008, she received the WTSDA Hall of Fame Student of the Year award, and in 2001 the Region 8 Roundtable Award.She has a special interest in the history and philosophy of martial arts and has taught at Region 22 Gup Clinics and Dan Camps. Master Strohm is on the faculty in the College of Communications at the Pennsylvania State University and lives in Lemont, PA with her husband, Dr. Patrick Parsons, a Sam Dan at Appalachia Tang Soo Do.

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The World Tang Soo Do Association
2436 Hanford Road
Burlington, NC 27215
Phone: (336)-223-0056 or (215)-468-2121
fax: 215-336-2121

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