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Scholarship Requirements

General Scholarship Requirements

  1. All applicants must be currently enrolled in a certified World Tang Soo Do Association Region 22 studio.
  2. All applicants must be current members, in good standing, of the World Tang Soo Do Association. All WTSDA membership dues must be current.
  3. All applicants must have completed a minimum of one year of training at a World Tang Soo Do Association registered studio, and may only apply to the Region in which they have completed their most recent year of training.
  4. Applicants are to return application material via email (scanned and emailed as PDF files or zip archive).
  5. The scholarship awards are open to full time students in their senior year of high school, full time students currently attending a college or university, students pursuing an advanced degree (graduate or doctorate degree),
    and those attending vocational, trade, or any similar accredited school..
  6. All applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.
  7. All applicants must submit their most recent official high school or college transcript. Note: Transcripts are not required to be ‘final’ versions. Students are encouraged to request them early in the application process to ensure
    they can be obtained prior to the submission deadline.
  8. Applicants should submit written verification of standardized test scores (e.g., SAT, ACT, GRE, LSAT, etc.) if taken or required for admission.
  9. All applicants must submit 3 recommendation forms, one from each of the following areas:
    • Instructor’s recommendation from their WTSDA instructor.
    • Academic recommendation from a teacher, guidance counselor or advisor.
    • Personal recommendation from a non-family member.

    Please use the forms provided. Note: Recommendations may be submitted directly to the committee by the recommender

  10. All applicants must submit a minimum 500 word essay entitled "How Tang Soo Do Has Made a Difference in My Life".
  11. All applicants must submit a separate letter describing their educational goals.
  12. Applicants must include written verification of enrollment from the college/university/program they attend or will be attending. Note: Without an official letter from the University or program, additional verification of enrollment may be needed prior to award.
  13. All interested parties may request an application packet in writing from the Committee Chair or their studio head. The Chair may be reached at the following address:
    Scott Dible
  14. All completed applications must be received by the designated deadline. Packets must be delivered to the same address as above and must contain all required items.
    Deadline: June 30th
  15. It is the applicant's responsibility to meet all application requirements. Incomplete applications may be ineligible for consideration.

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The World Tang Soo Do Association is not responsible for the content of any information contained in a website which is linked to our home site.

The World Tang Soo Do Association
2436 Hanford Road
Burlington, NC 27215
Phone: (336)-223-0056 or (215)-468-2121
fax: 215-336-2121

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