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Tyrone TSD Student Shares Techniques and Spirit at Summer Camp

Alita Fernandes, Cho Dan, of Tyrone Tang Soo Do demonstrated some of her favorite Tang Soo Do techniques at the Grier School Summer Camp’s Talent Night, when campers share their individual or team talents with other campers, and the many parents, teachers and other Talent Night attendees.

Alita started her demo with an explanation of Bong techniques, and then used the favorite tune; “Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting,” to enhance her performance of the Bong Hyung.

To show the power and strength of Tang Soo Do techniques to the other girls at the Camp, Alita also incorporated breaking into her demo, first teaching some of the other girls how to hold for a break, and then successfully completing two elbow strike breaks and a break with a front kick.

The girls attending the camp, along with their parents and Alita’s mother, were impressed with the talent, poise and toughness that 12 year-old Alita showed in her demo. Alita’s mother, Christine, commented, “everything she demonstrated was animated and crisp.”

Alita also got positive feedback from her studio. Master Mark Morrissey said, “as Alita’s instructor, it makes me so proud of her to put it all out there in front of her peers. She's such a good kid, which makes me even more proud to tell people she trains at Tyrone TSD.  I thank Alita for representing all of us so well.”

Located in the Allegheny Mountains, the Grier all-girls summer camp draws together a diverse group of girls ages 6-17 from across the United States and around the world to take part in musical theater, horse riding, and arts and dance programs. According to Master Morrissey, Alita has several talents including musical instruments, but chose to share her Tang Soo Do with this very diverse group of girls – she even became close friends with two girls from China. 

Master Morrissey summed it all up when he noted that Alita’s demo was one more way “our students share their passion for training, and work to promote our Region and the WTSDA.”


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The World Tang Soo Do Association
2436 Hanford Road
Burlington, NC 27215
Phone: (336)-223-0056 or (215)-468-2121
fax: 215-336-2121

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